Saturday, April 25, 2009

Passionate Blogger Award

Things I am passionate about:

1. My Little Family~ I feel I am the one who keeps us all together...I am Mommy, taxi, chef, nurse, drill sergeant, etc. and If it weren't for me looking out for them, taking care of them, and being the best Mommy possible there would be utter Kaos! I do everything for them and even when things are tough, I am tired, wasting away in the car for the past 4 hours, (no joke) I still love them dearly and would wait another 4 hours in the car to do it all again! My family is the world to me. These are reasons my kids are the way they are. Baby boy still sleeps with me and is the sweetest little thing ever! My kids know how to behave in public! My kids respect others and their surroundings! My kids are smart! My kids love school! My kids get complimented everywhere we go on how well they behave! I love hearing these compliments because it means I am doing something RIGHT! I love my Family!

2. My Business~ I love that I can wake up every day, check my email and have tons of orders to fill. It's awesome I am able to make money by doing something that has become my passion!

3. Iced Tea~ Its so good to me...I get one every day! Wakes me, energizes me and is very refreshing to me...

4. Recycling~It's becoming more and more an everyday thing in my house. We are trying to find ways to reuse and recycle ALL things. It's fun and makes you feel good too!

5. Sleep~I am noticing if I go to bed a bit earlier I wake up more refreshed for the day! So more sleep for me means I will not look ragged, old, wore out...I will look revitalized and energized with that new day ahead of me.

Passionate Bloggers I pass this award on to: Posh Ideas Bunny Bum MirelleBelle Thrifty Decor Chick Confessions Of A Blogoholic

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